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The Secret to Turning Social Media Followers Into Blog Readers

When it comes to social media, one of the questions I see most often is ‘How do I get my followers to actually click over and read my blog posts?’

I get it.

You just spent all this time writing and putting together an awesome blog post that you think your readers will love. But then when you post about it on social media, this is usually how it plays out:

You: “On the blog today, I’m sharing X,Y,Z. Click the link in my bio to check it out!”

Followers: “Awesome, can’t wait to read!” or “Love this!”

Then: *crickets*

Sound familiar?

Today I’m sharing my best tip to successfully turn social media followers into blog readers.

The Secret to Turning Social Media Followers into Blog Readers

My biggest piece of advice for getting your followers to click off the app and read your newest post…

Four words: consistent calls to action

You’ve probably heard this before, but trust me, it works! The key here, though, is consistency.

Here’s what I mean by that: every social media post should have a call to action. It doesn’t have to be a big ask, in fact it can be as little as ‘Like this post if you agree‘.

The idea here is that your followers will get used to following through and participating when you ask them to do something. That way, when you go to share a new blog post and ask them to click the link in your bio, they’ll be more comfortable taking action and more likely to read the post.


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Related: 10 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging

Here’s an example of a simple call to action in one of my recent Instagram posts:

Screenshot of an Instagram post showing a bedroom with a caption and 131 comments

In this post, I simply asked people to share what they do after getting home from traveling. This was a simple call to action, so people were more likely to follow through and respond. Plus, everyone loves to talk about their preferences and routines!

And did you see how many comments that post ended up with? Over 100!

Ok, here’s another example:

Screenshot of an instagram post with a picture of a beach

With this post I actually had 2 calls to action. First, I asked them to double tap if they wished they were there. Then I asked them to comment below with their favorite beach drink.

Including two calls to action is a great idea, especially if one is fairly simple like the double tap request. This is because sometimes people don’t have time to comment, but most can’t help themselves when they see a beach picture and it says ‘double tap if you wish you were here’. Right? Like, heck yes I wish I was there! I’ll double tap that! ?

By simply double tapping on a beach photo, this follower is being encouraged to follow through on a bigger ask in the future.

Is it starting to make sense? Are your wheels spinning with all of the different calls to action you can start incorporating in your posts?

Just in case you’re stumped, here’s a few fun ideas to get you started:

  • Describe your weekend using only emojis below!
  • It doesn’t get much better than tacos & margs! Double tap if you agree!
  • Tell me what your favorite (fill in the blank) is!
  • Tag someone who inspires you and let them know!

I encourage you to try one of these out on your next social media post, and see how it goes!


To get exclusive behind the scenes content about how to boost your traffic, make affiliate sales, and tons of other blogging tips (including an insider look at what MY stats look like!) - sign up to get my Blogger Series emails sent right to your inbox!

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Related: The Best Blogging Tools & Resources

I hope by now you’re realizing that using calls to action in your posts doesn’t have to be a sales pitch. It’s simply building a relationship with your followers and inviting them to go a step further with you. This is the secret to turning those social media followers into blog readers

Of course, not everyone will say ‘yes’ every time, but the ones who do – those are your people! Make sure you’re engaging with them by replying to their comments. And when you have time, click over to their feeds and engage with their content.

By including a call to action every time I post, I’ve been able to consistently drive traffic to my blog through my followers on social media. And you can too!

To see how I use calls to action daily, be sure to follow me over on my favorite social media app!

You may also like this post from my friends over at Vintage Society Co: Simple Social Tools That Make All The Difference

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10 Lessons I Learned in My First Year Blogging

The Best Blogging Tools & Resources

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